Philippines Import Statistics and Trade Data of Thermoprobe

Find Philippines import statistics of thermoprobe with companies name, market share, value, quantity, trade data of thermoprobe and other import shipment details compiled from Philippines customs.

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Date HS Code Product Description Origin Country No of Packages Packages Kind Net Weight (KG) Total Value (USD) Importer Exporter More Columns
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24/Mar/2020 63079040000 THERMOPROBE China 1 PK 0.68 188.0 26 More Columns Available along with Company Name and Other Details etc. View all fields
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    Packages Kind
    Net Weight (KG)
    Total Value


Few shipment records of Philippines trade data of thermoprobe imports are given above. Our Philippines import data of thermoprobe also covers other hidden fields such Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port, etc. So, access the most comprehensive Philippines import statistics of thermoprobe with complete details. Fill up our Request Demo Form or speak to our sales representatives at +91-11-47048012 or e-mail your queries via

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  • 63
    • 6307
      • 63079040000

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  •   China

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